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Physical Therapy Cincinnati OH

An injury has a domino effect on your body. Even parts that you don’t think are affected by the trauma can lose their function. For example, a simple slip and fall wouldn’t just hurt your low back. It can affect your entire spine, all the way up to your neck, and every joint in your body. If you’ve had an injury, you may need to restore your strength and mobility.

At Cincinnati Rehabilitation Center, we have a dedicated space for physical therapy. Our patients can benefit from the powerful combination of chiropractic, physical therapy and our many other services.

What Is Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy involves the use of specific exercises and movements. It is designed to stabilize your joints and prevent injury or wear and tear. If you have joints that are weak, physical therapy will strengthen them. You may also experience an increased range of motion. It’s our goal that you’ll be functioning at a higher level with our physical therapy.

We use the latest research on physical therapy techniques and exercises. Your physical therapy plan is designed to suit your needs and abilities. Our chiropractor oversees each person’s physical therapy. You can feel confident that your plan is suitable for you.


Who is a candidate for physical therapy?

If you have suffered an injury or have a condition that creates instability, physical therapy may be ideal. At your first appointment, you’ll receive a full assessment. Our evaluation process will uncover whether you may benefit from physical therapy.

Can physical therapy be a stand-alone service?

We’ve found that our patients recover quicker and more sustainably with a combination of solutions. Those who receive physical therapy usually have chiropractic, massage or manual therapy, too.

Will I have a longer appointment if I’m getting physical therapy and chiropractic?

Yes. We will account for the extra time needed for your physical therapy when we schedule your appointment. We’ll let you know how much time to plan for so that you can fit your visit into your day.

Schedule Your Visit Today!

Would you like to live without pain? Don’t let that injury keep plaguing you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment! We’ll determine which of our services, including physical therapy Cincinnati, will work for you.



Physical Therapy Cincinnati, , Cincinnati OH | (513) 772-9065